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Handbags galore!

handbag day

Dear mums,

This time I would like to share with you a somewhat quirky day: Handbag Day!

Once a year, on this day, the importance of handbags is recognized. Our bags are not only vital in regular daily life to keep ALL the necessary millions of things at hand but they are also as a wonderful accessory that helps us convey a style statement. Fashionable and functional - This is how we love them!

So how can one celebrate this unofficial holiday?

One thing that comes to mind is....investing in a new handbag ( can never truly have enough bags, can you?:)

Another way of celebrating would be to conduct a 'Spring Cleaning' in your bag: if your handbag is similar to the Black Hole and things miraculously go missing in it, a great idea would be to clean it out and organize it.

Otherwise, simply take out that long forgotten vintage handbag you haven't worn in ages and give it a whizz around the neighbourhood:)

However you wish to celebrate this day, I hope its a great one!

Happy Monday!



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