How many is too many?
How many languages is it OK to introduce to your child? How many languages can a child really master? Do kids confuse languages and...

Where does the magic happen?
With our FREE Trial English lessons for Kids aged 2-6 years old kicking off next week in Uster (24.10 - 28.10), I thought I'd show you a...

Are you a skeptic? Wait, but why?
Are you a person who takes anything you hear with a pinch of salt? How easily do you accept the status quo? Do you question everything...

Who rules the world?
We are lucky to be living in a society, where formally, girls and boys have equal rights, equal access to education and healthcare and...

Handbags galore!
Dear mums, This time I would like to share with you a somewhat quirky day: Handbag Day! Once a year, on this day, the importance of...

Strange things happen on this day...
What is a child's favourite question? That's an easy one:) "Why?" Why is the sky blue? Why do ladybugs have spots? Why did dinosaurs go...

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Tonight is a special night. Tonight we celebrate our closest celestial neighbor - the Moon: The International Observe the Moon Night. I...

What do children do to make us smile?
Isn't it incredible? One moment they are the cheekiest creatures on the face of the planet, the next they are making you laugh and smile....