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Who rules the world?

Girl Child Day

We are lucky to be living in a society, where formally, girls and boys have equal rights, equal access to education and healthcare and have an equally great chance of fulfilling their dreams and achieving the stars.

Nevertheless, girls, young women and then adult women of all walks of life, experience unique challenges all over the world. It is today that the United Nations draws special attention to these challenges and promotes girls' empowerment and fulfillment of their human rights, through the International Day of the Girl Child. This year's theme is Girls' Progress = Goals' Progress: What Counts for Girls - because is so vital to notice that when a girl progresses, so do her entire surroundings: families, communities and society.

We take it for granted, but have you ever considered not having the right to a safe, healthy and educated life? This is still the reality for so many girls out there.

It is during the critical formative years of childhood and adolescence that girls' characters are molded and make them who they will be in the future: political leaders, entrepreneurs, Nobel-prize winners. And only with the effective support of their families, communities and governments, will they be able to reach their full potential and be the equal partner in solving humanity's pressing issues: climate change, economic growth, political conflict. Because we, girls, can.

Since the last 15 years, much progress has been made in ensuring that girls receive access to early-stage education and necessary vaccinations, in the rural and disadvantaged areas of the world. This is great news. Now, it is crucial to ensure the second decade of a girl's life is also considered: enabling secondary and higher education possibilities, eliminating child marriages, educating about puberty and reproductive health. No girl should be left behind.

I am lucky. I am a daughter of parents, who surrounded my with love and protection; who showed me how important it is to never give up; how vital it is to learn languages and get a formal education. They showed me that, even in a man's world, I can be great. They taught me how every human-being counts and no matter how little you are you can always be that change agent in your community.

Each of us has only one life - lets make the most of it, by teaching our kids, our girls, how powerful they truly are, how much good they can bring into this world and how much potential they have!

Who rules the world?


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Activities for kids and the family in Zurich (Instagram Post).pdf

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