Party, Party, Party and you'll be a Smarty, Smarty, Smarty

Do you know the latest trends in organising birthday parties for children? Gone are the days of doing everything by yourself at home. Instead, themed birthday parties and party-rooms are the way to go!
Dress up and make the birthday even more memorable!
Who wouldn't want to be a princess or a superhero for a day? A child's developing emotionality, allows kids to experience the visit of their favourite fairy-tail character more than you can possibly imagine. A visit from Elsa or Superman would definitely make the birthday celebration unforgettable!
But it's not only about having the entertainer come to the event. It's the entire experience: the kids' costumes, the decoration, the games, the music, the fairy-dust! It all creates a magical experience that your child will absolutely adore! be sure to plan well in advance!
Party venues - the way to go
This all seems like hard work. Let's just say it's not a one-day project. Deciding on the theme (together with your child, of course!), letting the guests know that they will have to come dressed up accordingly, getting the party supplies, ordering (or making) a magnificent birthday cake, organizing the birthday games...this all needs time and diligent planning (for more info, you can check out the post: 5 Steps for the Perfect Kids Party).
"Outsourcing" the birthday organization and the event itself is the way to go.
It will save you the hassle of setting everything up and then cleaning it all away. Plus, the specialists will know exactly what to do with your kids to ensure they are entertained the entire time!
With Academicus your youngster is guaranteed a fabulous birthday experience!
Our packages are perfect for those, who want their child's birthday to be a magical experience to remember.
We want to ensure that your child has the time of their life, this is why we tailor make our parties to ensure they are amazing for your youngster and reflect your preferred budget!
Organize the party at our magical child-friendly birthday venue and have an entertainer delight you and your little guests!
Birthday parties, family occasions, corporate events - let us know what you would love to have and we'll make dreams come true! Available at Waffenplatzstrasse 5, Zurich!